I decided that we needed a family picture, so I had my brother take a few yesterday. Matt and I are both doing weight watchers, and are not super happy with the pics. I told him we would retake some in 3 months and we better see much improvement. Well is on the opposite plan, I think will just keep getting bigger. Momma must make cream, she is a giant child:) She is up to 15 lbs, size 3 in diapers!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Family Pictures
Posted by Matt and Tiff at 4:12 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ellie's Blessing
Today was Ellie's blessing. It was a wonderful day. Matt did a wonderful job on his blessing and I am so happy to have such a good husband that took her blessing so serious. I love you babe! I also managed to pull off all of the food and hostess jobs (my first REAL event like this). I started pretty late on Saturday night......... needless to say I climbed into bed at around 6:30 am, to wake up at 8:00. I'm pretty tired right now. Thank you to all that came! It was a great day!
Posted by Matt and Tiff at 7:14 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ellie's Newborn Pictures
Last week, we went to get Ellie's new born pictures done. I am very happy with the way they turned out, especially considering the circumstances. My little one was not happy with getting her picture taken. First, she was wide awake and we could not get her to fall asleep for the pictures. When she would fall asleep we didn't even dare move her for fear she would wake up screaming. We finally got her to sleep for about a half an hour and were able to get some great shots. I also should mention that she shot poop across the room, in addition to pooping two other times on the white fluffy props. She also peed in Matt's hand and 3 other times. All in all, it was a time we will always remember. Sarah did a great job, she was so calm the entire time! She was fabulous!
Posted by Matt and Tiff at 11:12 AM 12 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Baby Ellie

Yes believe it, I am posting on our blog! I guess it just takes something as significant as a new baby for me to post! Life for the Taylors is fabulous. Ellie Kay Taylor was born on July 10, 2010 at 8:46 a.m. She was 7 lbs 5 oz, 19 inches long. She is very alert, almost everyone that holds her comments. In the dilivery room she was wide eyed looking around. Matt and I think that she is absolutley perfect! We are amazed how you can love someone that you just met, so much! I have only had her in my life for 6 days, but I can't begin to think about my life without her (corny mom thing to say, I know). 

Posted by Matt and Tiff at 10:33 AM 8 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Meet the Zebu

His name is Joe.
Tiff has tasked me with chore of writing this post. (She made inform you of this, because she doesn't want any credit for the content of what is written here. I'm not sure why, but consider yourself informed.)
This past week Tiff joined me on one of my overnight trips to Jackson Hole. It was a short layover, so there was no time to hike, run the river, or do any other outdoor excursion. However, while I was flying in, I noticed that there was an event going on at their fairgrounds. So that became our adventure for the night. It was turns out that this week is "Jackson Days" or whatever its called. So they have a rodeo all week, and the "City of Fun" Carnival was also setup there. (So, if you were wondering why Sp. Fork was jaded with some third-rate carnival this year, that would be because the elegant upper class citizens of Jackson Hole stole it from us.)
So Tiff and I ventured down to the fairgrounds to see what we could find. Turns out we just missed Pig Wrestling in the fairgrounds. (Which is too bad, because I have seen Tiff chase Bella and Berk around the house when they know its there bath time. And I am confident that she would have taken First Place, or at least Honorable Mention, if she would have competed.) But what we did find there was even better. I'm sure that you are going to think that it sounds boring. But let me assure you that this place was amazing, and I think that as a community we need to petition the city to add this to our Fiesta Days. This place was no ordinary petting zoo. It obviously had regular farm animals, but it had some of the craziest, yet friendly, animals....enter the Zebu.
Apparently, a Zebu is some massive scary exotic bull from Brazil. I am sure that Zebu means something in Portuguese, like "the bull of all bulls", or "it eats small children for breakfast". (feel free to enlighten us Riley). I am telling you this was one impressively mean looking Bull (lets just say that the size of his horns, make the other bulls from around here very jealous....if you know what I mean). I was quite apprehensive to approach this beast knowing that the only thing that separated him from us was a piece of thin-walled metal tubing. But after seeing some some 6-year old girl befriending him, I figured that I better grow a pair of horns and meet the thing. (Its like the rope swing, you just have to do it....right Milo).
So know, after meeting my new favorite animal. I am thinking of purchasing one of these Zebu's for the backyard. A sort of outdoor pet, if you will. I am sure that Kandas can open a non-profit fund that all of you can assist in donating to our new family mascot at Central Bank. If the Zebu, seems like a bit much I will settle for the donkey. The sign says he is nice, he seems a little pissed off, but I'm sure he is nice.
Tiff wanted me to add more pictures to the post. I guess that is all people really want to see anyway. So here they are for all of you non-readers.

Posted by Matt and Tiff at 5:15 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Husabnd and His Garden!

So.... I have not b
logged for 5 months! Wow, what can I say I am not the best blogger. I am going to try to be better about it, but I don't really feel that there are that many interesting things that happen to us.
Ever since we have been married (almost 5 years), Matt has always really wanted to plant a garden. We have lived in our house for 3 summers now and this year, Matt got his wish! Not only did he plant a garden, he installed a "drip system" for watering it, and made a cute little picket fence to keep the dogs out. He is in the process of bui
lding a deck, but when you come to our house he doesn't want to show you the deck, he wants to show you the garden. He is really in LOVE with his garden!
It is getting really big and we are starting to get veggies out of it. We have not eaten too many of them, because if you come to our house, you will leave with veggies from "Matt's garden". He is really cute. He takes stuff over to the neighbors. I was joking with him the other day, telling him I didn't marry a version of my mom, or dad, I married a version of my grandpa. (My grandpa is notorious for growing a huge garden and taking the veggies all over town). It is really cute and I love how much he loves it. I took some pictures to share with everyone!

Ever since we have been married (almost 5 years), Matt has always really wanted to plant a garden. We have lived in our house for 3 summers now and this year, Matt got his wish! Not only did he plant a garden, he installed a "drip system" for watering it, and made a cute little picket fence to keep the dogs out. He is in the process of bui

It is getting really big and we are starting to get veggies out of it. We have not eaten too many of them, because if you come to our house, you will leave with veggies from "Matt's garden". He is really cute. He takes stuff over to the neighbors. I was joking with him the other day, telling him I didn't marry a version of my mom, or dad, I married a version of my grandpa. (My grandpa is notorious for growing a huge garden and taking the veggies all over town). It is really cute and I love how much he loves it. I took some pictures to share with everyone!

Posted by Matt and Tiff at 12:39 PM 11 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Another great day in the life of a teacher. Today Edward came to our class!! All of my girls love Twilight and more importantly Edward!! One of the girls in my class is a little obsessed with Edward. She always puts Cullen at the end of her name, on every paper, she talks about him every day, and she even put a love note in her lunch box that said "take care of my heart, for I have left it with you-Edward" and then acted so surprised when she pulled it out. She is really cute! It reminds me a little bit of Jan Chamber's obession with Justin Timberlake! Anyway, today is her birthday and her friends came early to school and they had bought her a life-size Edward. She was so excited and it was adorable! What cute little friends.

Posted by Matt and Tiff at 8:14 AM 8 comments
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